# 编者按英国哈罗公学,被誉为世界上最负盛名的私立学府之一。哈罗海口是哈罗公学在海外的分校之一。作为首家落户海南的国际知名教育品牌,旨在打造最具影响力和竞争力的国际学校,推动海口市的教育国际化水平和城市发展竞争力,致力成为海口市乃至海南省一张重要的国际化教育名片。春天正在走进我们的生活,哈罗海口的小狮们也在忙碌地准备春日盛典,让我们一起来看看他们的表现吧!翻过泥土,才知道青草香甜;迎过春风,才知道自然怡人;趁着春光正好,小狮忙碌地准备春日庆典,奔赴一场在趣动中自然发生的春日之旅!“春分时节,随着“一场春雨一场暖”,万物生机焕发。小狮们通过节日与习俗的学习以及种植、孵小鸡等等活动认识春分节气。春天是万物复苏的季节,在中国之外,世界各地的人们也在以不同的方式庆祝春天的到来。为了让孩子们了解世界各地不同的文化、活动与习俗,体验与感知文化差异,哈罗小狮幼儿园在日前举办了“春日庆典“活动,以生动有趣的各类活动与游戏庆祝春天的到来。”这一天入园前,小朋友们都收到了一本集章护照,春天已经向小狮们发出了挑战,完成七个游戏站点的任务,才能拿到春天的通行证哦!向左滑动阅读英文版本Swipe Right to Read English VersionSpring is here, with the scent of grass in the soil and a pleasant spring breeze blowing.While spring is in full swing, our youngest children at Harrow Little Lions Early Years Centre embarked on a fun and natural springtime journey through the Spring Celebration."During the Spring Equinox, everything comes alive and is renewed as a spring rain warms the air.Children are introduced to the Spring Equinox through learning about festivals and customs and hands-on activities such as planting and hatching chicks.Spring is the season of rejuvenation for all things. Beyond China, people around the world also celebrate the arrival of spring in various ways. To help children understand different cultures, activities, and customs, and to experience and perceive cultural differences, the Harrow Little Lions Early Years Centre held a "Spring Celebration" event on 27th March. The event was marked by lively and engaging activities and games to celebrate the coming of spring.On this day, before entering the campus, each child received a passport for collecting stamps. The children had to complete tasks at seven game stations to obtain the pass to spring!点击视频回顾小狮春日庆典Click video to review The Spring Celebration向左滑动阅读英文版本Swipe Right to Read English Version01春虫蛹动-奥利奥糖果奶昔Making dirt01春雨过后,小蚯蚓会钻出地面呼吸,于是小朋友们动手用奥利奥和橡皮糖制作一杯“春虫蛹动”奶昔,还原了春天的特色,把美味的春天吃进肚子里。02春天手指画Tree blossom collegeand finger painting01Mark 老师问小朋友们春天有什么?有花草!有蝴蝶!有五颜六色的花园!于是小朋友们用手指沾了春天的调色板,点出了桃花绽放,杏花盛开的阳春三月~03花朵风铃Flower tile01如何留住短暂的春天呢?一起做来自春天的植物风铃吧!孩子们将白色的超轻粘土搓圆压扁,尽情组合搭配,不起眼的干叶花果在小朋友的手中被捏成植物徽章。细细的麻绳穿过粘土,封存植物的美好瞬间!待到季节更替,小朋友们依然能翻看春天的印记。04春天的故事Story time01“阳光明媚的日子里,我们一起去抓大熊吧!天气这么好,没什么好怕的!”Jacab 老师用演绎地方式带着孩子们读这本绘本,We are going on a bear hunt节奏轻快,朗朗上口,孩子们很快就变成了抓熊大军的一员,一起开心地表演这个故事!05兔耳朵剪纸Bunny ears01兔子在中外文化有不同的象征,兔子可爱的模样也受到小朋友们的喜欢,小朋友们用擅长的剪纸剪出了兔耳朵,涂上喜欢的颜色,绿色、嫩黄色,粉色……把充满春天色调的兔耳朵戴在头上!06寻彩蛋Egg hunting01当春分遇上复活节,中外不同的春日庆祝会碰撞出什么奇妙的事?蛋象征着春天和新生命的开始,小狮的户外区域藏好了五彩斑斓的蛋,小朋友们拎着篮子在花园里寻找战利品,弥漫着欢声笑语的早晨,为春天注入满满活力。据说找到复活蛋的小朋友,在新的一年一切都能喜乐平安❤07彩蛋排排队Egg sequencing activity01找到了彩蛋并不意味着游戏结束,Angelique老师给出序列谜题,让小朋友们在简单的小游戏中思考,挑战排序与空间能力。完成了春天的挑战,也意味着收获了春天的记忆,小狮们用一场盛大的春日游行致敬五彩斑斓的春天。看似简单的春日活动,不仅是在新的一年小狮幼儿园给所有小朋友的美好祝福,更通过精心设置的游戏项目帮助幼儿拓展小狮课程核心领域的学习经验。在穿绳和点画的过程中锻炼手指精细工作的能力,花和剪纸等艺术形式的创作帮助提升孩子的创造力和想象力,逻辑排列和绘本阅读提升了孩子的数学 和文学素养。春日课程,有趣而有益。小狮从发现春天,学习春天,到享受春天,每一个春天的足迹,都是对生命的热爱❤点击视频回顾小狮春日庆典Click video to review The Spring Celebration01春虫蛹动-奥利奥糖果奶昔Making dirt01Inspired by the sight of earthworms emerging from the ground to breathe after a spring rain, children took the opportunity to create a delightful and thematic treat. Using Oreos and gummy candies, they made a milkshake that visually represented the spring earthworms making their way through the soil. It allowed the children to not only enjoy the process of making a tasty beverage but also to symbolically embrace the essence of spring by “eating” the season.02春天手指画Tree blossom college and finger painting01Our Teacher Mr. Mark asked the children what they could find in spring. They responded with the presence of flowers and plants, butterflies, and gardens filled with a multitude of colours.Motivated by these vibrant elements of spring, the children then dipped their fingers into ink and began to create images that captured the essence of the season.03花朵风铃Flower tile01How can we capture the fleeting spring?Let's create flower tiles inspired by the spring season together!The children roll the white clay into balls and flatten them, freely combining and matching them. Ordinary dried leaves, flowers, and fruits are transformed into plant badges in their hands. Thin jute string is threaded through the clay, preserving the beautiful moments of the plants!Even in autumn and winter, children can still see the imprint of spring through the tiles.04春天的故事Story time01“On a bright and sunny day, let's go bear hunting together!The weather is so beautiful, there's nothing to fear!”The Teacher, Mr. Jacob, leads the children in reading the picture book - We are going on a bear hunt - through dramatization, the story is briskly paced and easy to read.The children quickly become part of the bear hunting team, performing this story joyfully together!05兔耳朵剪纸Bunny ears01Rabbits hold different symbolic meanings in various cultures around the world, and their adorable appearance is highly favored by children.The children cut out bunny ears from paper cuttings and painted them in their favourite colours. Then they wore the bunny ears adorned with bright and cheerful colours on their heads!06寻彩蛋Egg hunting01When the Spring Equinox coincides with Easter, what wonderful things can happen?Eggs symbolize the beginning of spring and new life.Our teachers have hidden colorful eggs throughout the outdoor area on our campus.Children carry small baskets and search for them. The morning was filled with laughter and joy injects the spring with vibrant energy.It is said that the child who finds the Easter egg will have joy and peace in the new year❤07彩蛋排排队Egg sequencing activity01The discovery of the colored eggs does not mean that the game is over. Ms. Angelique also introduced the children to colours and arrangements, encouraging them to think and identify colours and the logic of arrangements within a simple game.Completing the challenges about spring also means harvesting memories of the season, and finally, the Little Lions expressed their gratitude to the colorful spring with a grand spring parade.The seemingly simple spring activities are not only a beautiful blessing from Harrow Little Lions Early Years Centre to all the children for the new year, but also help to broaden the core learning areas of our curriculum through well designed game projects. During the process of string threading and dot painting, children exercise their fine motor skills and dexterity of their fingers. The art creation such as flower tiles and paper-cutting helped to enhance their creativity. Logical sequencing and picture book reading improved children's patience and concentration.The spring-themed curriculum was engaging and well-organized. Our little lions' footprints in spring also reflect their love and best wishes for life. ❤转自:HarrowHaikou哈罗海口官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead